Pontifical Academies - Cooordination Council

The Council of Coordination between the Pontifical Academies was created by Blessed John Paul II during the audience given to the Cardinal Secretary of State on 6 November 1995, and currently the presidents of the following academies are members: Academy of St Thomas Aquinas, Academy of Theology, International Marian Academy, Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi of the Pantheon, Roman Academy of Archaeology, Academy "Cultorum Martyrum".

Guided by the president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, this council unites every year for a general report on the activity of the individual academies and to coordinate, together, their activities, while respecting the autonomy of their own research programmes so as to promote interdisciplinary research and give greater resonance to their own work.


The CouncilThe Council of Coordination during an annual meeting

The Pontifical Academies

The Pontifical Academies can offer a valuable contribution, by orienting the cultural choices of the Christian community and of all society and offering occasions and instruments of dialogue between... Read more

The Public Session and Prize

The Pontifical Academies meet in Public Session each year to reflect on a theme in an afternoon organised by one of the academies. The gathered academics also witness the prize-giving which sees the...

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