Writings and Speeches
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi has some 150 volumes published mainly on biblical topics: editions on the Psalms and the Book of Job, the Song of Songs and Ecclesiasticus. He has also earned fame for his popular writings.
Newspaper columns
Cardinal Ravasi is a prolific Italian writer turning out numerous articles, recensions, books and material for popular diffusion. If you wish to browse some of his material, including articles for Famiglia Cristiana, for the weekly magazine L'Espresso, the broadsheet Il Sole24 Ore or the Catholic Bishops' weekly Avvenire, or write-ups of his academic prolusions (usually given without a text) or talks for other occasions, then please see the Italian pages by clicking here.
The Cardinal's Microblog
We bring your attention also to the Cardinal's microblog which he has kept on Twitter as @cardravasi since 2011.
Due to the many commitments he has, he does not respond to the provocations and requests that come to him through that format, but he does dip in and out with interest and passion, appreciating the support of his many followers and allowing himself to be challenged by others.
This is his own way of being present in a fluid and dynamic cultural movement.
From the numerous public interventions by Cardinal Ravasi, the following video playlist has emerged: