Cellular Horizons

Cultures and Faith Vol. XXIV 2016 N.2

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stem cells Cultures and Faith Vol. XXIV 2016 N.2 Theme: Medical Sciences and Faith

Vol. XXIV 2016 N.2 of the Dicastery's journal is now out with a scientific focus on stem cell therapies.

The first part contains the acts of The Third International Conference on the Progress of Regenerative Medicine and Its Cultural Impact, held in the Vatican on April 28-30, 2016. The conference looked at current advancements in stem cell research and the future of cellular therapies, including barriers to progress, ethical and evolutionary questions, and cultural issues arising.

Stem cell therapy has enabled the medical community to treat some of the worst illnesses in the world, including many cancers and orphan or rare diseases. However, advancements associated with cellular therapies such as bio-medical engineering to genetically design our children or to reverse aging pose ethical dilemmas to society.  

The remainder of the Journal, as always, gives an overview of the activities associated with the Dicastery, including the Music Competition “Francesco Siciliani”, a Courtyard of the Gentiles on Economics, and the arrival in the Vatican Museums of some contemporary art commissioned for the Venice Biennale.

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