Unite to Cure
Cultures and Faith Vol. XXVI N.2 Theme: Unite to Cure
Vol. XXVI 2018 N.2 of the Dicastery's journal is now out with a focus on culture and medical wellness.
Observing how religious “codes of conduct” can impact our health, some have invoked a need to build bridges between science, cultures and religions in order to address issues around societal and overall human health, including management of healthcare systems.
This edition of our journal contains ideas gathered at an International Conference in the Vatican that brought together physicians, patients, scientists and philanthropists working in collaboration with regulatory officials focusing on rapid delivery and commercialization of innovation. It shows the value of an interdisciplinary approach when addressing overall healthcare, encouraging medical innovation, and concentrating on treatment therapies. An open dialogue and sharing of knowledge on illness prevention is fostered at a time of a greater promise to repair and cure disease, and also prepare for the future. It also analyses specific medical practises, such as gene therapy and meditation, to show the advancement of medical technology and information.
See the index and note the original languages.
Other sections of the review look at the Courtyard of the Gentiles, the activities of the Sport Department and the visits of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and Bishop Paul Tighe to Durham and Oxford.